Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday afternoon walking in Lewes

Nice second hand bookshops everywhere...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Heavy snow hits much of England

A vista da minha janela..."Heavy snow has fallen across large parts of England disrupting travel and closing schools
as forecasters warned of the most severe snow for six years (...)" BBC News.

Da janela da cozinha...
E eu do lado de fora da janela

Curiosidades fresquinhas...

Hummm... Estes jardins cheiram mesmo a primavera!

Vai uma bebida geladinha na esplanada?

E agora? Qual será a minha?

Outras paisagens por aqui...

Playing in the snow...

... Who said Mondays were difficult days?! Nice way of starting the week! :)

Snowmen of Brighton